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45 results returned
  • Implementing multiple languages

    If you want to implement more than one language in your virtual agent then there's two main tasks: First we have to train the second language so that the model can understand and detect it, and second we have to...

    • Path
    • Duration 45m
    • Beginner
  • Tracking important flows with goals

    In this path, we'll talk about goals. Goals track flow usage. They generate statistics about how many people go through (or complete) your flows, and can tell you important things about how your users are using your virtual agent.

    • Path
    • Duration 20m
    • Intermediate
  • Getting started with the API connector

    In this path, you'll learn how to use the API connector to connect your virtual agent (VA) to external systems and databases. These connections are crucial for providing personalised experiences & performing actions on our users' behalf, and can dramatically...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.5h
    • Intermediate
  • What is a virtual agent?

    Not quite sure what a virtual agent is, or what it can do for you? In this course we explain the basics.

    • Duration 4m
    • Beginner
  • Implementing a virtual agent with

    Curious to find out what a project together with looks like? In this course, we outline the typical steps we take together to create a great virtual agent project.

    • Duration 5m
    • Beginner
  • Conversation repair with system actions

    System actions trigger when a specific situation occurs and they allow our VA to recover the conversation and give the user a way forward. In this course, we cover how they do that and what we should think of when...

    • Path
    • Duration 33m
    • Intermediate
  • Building at scale with objects

    In this path, you'll learn how to use objects. Objects are reusable templates for intents, training- and test data, and even responses. They allow us to create hundreds of intents in just a few hours, and can make building, managing...

    • Path
    • Duration 45m
    • Intermediate
  • Working with context topic

    In this course we'll teach you all about context topic: the virtual agent (VA)'s capability to remember what the user was talking about. This ensures a much smoother conversational experience, and improves customer satisfaction (CSAT).

    • Path
    • Duration 54m
    • Intermediate
  • Working with context action

    In this course we will teach you how to use context action: improving your virtual agent (VA)'s capabilities to understand follow-up questions like "why do you need to know?", or "Can you help me find it?".

    • Path
    • Duration 45m
    • Intermediate
  • Create value by using voice bots

    In this course we'll explore how conversational IVRs, or voice bots, can help create customer experiences that help us retain customers and bring value to our businesses. We'll also learn about the synergies between chat and voice and the benefits...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.1h
    • Intermediate
  • Improving your virtual agent

    This course covers how you improve the VA through clean-up reports and by resolving issues from the test results. 

    • Path
    • Duration 2.8h
    • Beginner
  • Creating virtual agent content

    This course covers how to create basic responses and action flows. Finally, it wraps up the AI Trainer certification. 

    • Path
    • Duration 1.9h
    • Beginner
  • Ai trainer certificate

    Learn everything you need to know to start working in the admin panel: Build & train a virtual agent from scratch.  Create simple/complex responses. Integrate your virtual agent with APIs. After completion, you will be able to download a certificate...

    • Collection
    • Duration 7.9h
    • Beginner
    • Credential
  • Create value by implementing live chat

    This course explores the question "How can your project benefit from a live chat integration?" It also shows how's human chat works, which is's own live chat solution.

    • Path
    • Duration 40m
    • Intermediate
  • Get started with the downloadable clean-up report

    In this course, you'll learn how to start using the downloadable clean-up reports to improve your model. It contains tips and tricks on what to work on first, and when you should prioritize which report.

    • Path
    • Duration 1h
    • Advanced