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Conversation design

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10 results returned
  • Get started with the API connector

    In this path, you'll learn how to use the API connector to connect your virtual agent (VA) to external systems and databases. These connections are crucial for providing personalised experiences & performing actions on our users' behalf, and can dramatically...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.5h
    • Intermediate
  • Build generative responses with gen action

    Generative action allows us to create dynamic and flexible responses that cover multiple scenarios and use cases. This course gives an introduction to how to write instructions, upload knowledge, design action and API hooks, and set up guardrails, making sure...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.3h
    • Beginner
  • Implement multiple languages

    If you want to implement more than one language in your virtual agent then there's two main tasks: First we have to train the second language so that the model can understand and detect it, and second we have to...

    • Path
    • Duration 45m
    • Beginner
  • Extract and use variables with entities

    This course will cover the basics of entity extraction, how we gather and use information from our end users. It also covers the basics of API connectors and if statements.

    • Path
    • Duration 2h
    • Intermediate
  • Repair conversations with system actions

    System actions trigger when a specific situation occurs and they allow our VA to recover the conversation and give the user a way forward. In this course, we cover how they do that and what we should think of when...

    • Path
    • Duration 33m
    • Intermediate
  • Get started with context action

    In this course we will teach you how to use context action: improving your virtual agent (VA)'s capabilities to understand follow-up questions like "why do you need to know?", or "Can you help me find it?".

    • Path
    • Duration 45m
    • Intermediate
  • Create value with voice bots

    In this course we'll explore how conversational IVRs, or voice bots, can help create customer experiences that help us retain customers and bring value to our businesses. We'll also learn about the synergies between chat and voice and the benefits...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.1h
    • Intermediate
  • Design conversations for voice

    We learn the basics of designing content for voicebots. We look at how the voice channel differs from chat and which features you can use to enhance your voice flows.

    • Path
    • Duration 30m
    • Intermediate
  • Why support multiple languages?

    If you are interested in finding out how multiple languages work, why and when it should be implemented, and how to get started. Then this is the course for you.

    • Path
    • Duration 8m
    • Beginner
  • Create and design basic content

    A virtual agent needs to be able to respond to an end user with well-designed and informative content. This course takes you through the most basic and simple tools for creating great responses.

    • Path
    • Duration 45m
    • Intermediate